Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Is your skin looking dual, flaky, and your make-up is not as flawless looking. well the problem is you NEED TO EXFOLIATE!! (Exfoliate means: to remove the dead skin cells to allow cell turnover so that new cells can Begin replenishing). Alot of women and especially men never exfoliate there skin either because they don't know how or they never heard of exfoliating or its not a concern to them. There several reason why we don't. we also have those who do exfoliate but are over exfoliating or using the wrong type of scrubs and enzymes. The best solution to your problem is to see an Skin Therapist to determine your skin type and recommend the best product for you. we all forget that Your skin is the largest organ of our body we need to take care of the outside as well as the inside. Your skin is beautiful lets take care of it.

By: Maria Hardmon

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